Monday, July 25, 2016

Blueberry Banana Muffins (SCD, GAPS, Paleo)

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to be doing a small series with recipes of the food I've been preparing and will be taking to Osheaga. Tonight, I'm sharing an original with you. I am a big fan of banana bread and banana muffin, usually the king with ooey gooey chocolate chips inside, but alas on SCD chocolate isn't allowed. These muffins certainly don't bring you down though, the blueberries really step up in place of the chocolate chips. These are honestly so amazing it's hard to believe that they are naturally sweetened with just ¼ cup of honey and grain free.

Blueberry Banana Muffins

3 ripe bananas
¼ cup apple sauce
¼ cup honey
2 Tb coconut oil melted
2 eggs
1 ½ tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 cup almond flour
1/3 cup coconut flour
¼ cup frozen blueberries


-  Heat oven to 350
1. Blend bananas with apple sauce, vanilla, eggs and and to stand mixer. Mix in honey and coconut oil
2. In a separate bowl mix together dry ingredients
3. Slowly add dry ingredients to wet, while stirring
4. Fold in blueberries
5. Grease 12 tin muffin pan with coconut oil, and fill tins 2/3 full
6. Bake 18-20 min

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Road trip food prep + Muffin recipe

I'm going on a week long vacation that involves a 12 hour drive (both ways) , a 3 day music festival that will run roughly 14 hrs/day (and likely have 0 food options for me) and then 3 more days just relaxing. Being on SCD, this is going to pose some serious problems, so what do I do? PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE! I woke up at 7 am and got right to work in the kitchen.

I made;
1 dozen zucchini/carrot muffins (SCD)
1 dozen banana/blueberry muffins (SCD)
2 dozen almond rosemary crackers (SCD)
2 dozen breakfast cookies (SCD)
Roasted 2 chickens
Started 2 pots of bone broth
And this evening I’m getting started with a batch of SCD yogurt, and some kale chips!
The muffins are adapted from Against All Grain

 Hidden Veggie Muffins


¾ cup shredded zucchini
½ cup shredded carrot
½ cup apple sauce
3 eggs
¾ cup pitted dates soaked 10 min
2 cups almond flour
1 ½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp nutmeg
1tsp vanilla
¾ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350
1.Wrap zuchinni and carrot in a towel or paper towel and let drain
2. In a blender or food processor, combine dates, apple sauce, vanilla and eggs
3. Slowly mix in almond flour, baking soda, cinnamon nutmeg and salt
4. Squeeze excess liquid out of zuchinni and carrot and fold into batter
5. Divide into 12 tin muffin pan, greased with coconut oil or lined with paper liners! Filling only 2/3 of the way.

I went the route of greasing the pan, and they were fairly hard to remove. I lost half of my bottoms, if I were to attempt these again the only thing I would change is to use muffin liners!

Over the next couple of days I’m going to share recipes of the foods I’m preparing for the trip, as well as a final review/guide for what to pack and prepare for travel! Let’s hope I can avoid any flare and enjoy this trip!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

SCD journey : the beginning

This past month has been a complete roller coaster , and honestly at times I didn't think I'd get through it. But I want to share my experience, my journey as I search for answers regarding my health and the reasons I have decided to use SCD as a tool to regain my health, and my life.

When I was first introduced to SCD, I kind of just dove right in. I wasn’t particularly in the worst flare, I was just tired of being generally unwell, and looking for answers. I didn't completely understand the science of the diet, and I didn't understand how detrimental it can be to the healing process to include illegal foods here and there. I was basically just dipping my toes in the water here and there, until this past month. June and early July were absolute hell for me and that’s when I decided that I was not going to frig around with it anymore. Essentially I looked at my diet as if I was choosing to be sick, by eating things that sent me into “flare” or whatever it is that is happening with my body.

I still have no real diagnosis aside from IBS-DC , but on June 10th, immediately following a new NSAID my orthopaedic Doctor put me on for arthritic type knee pain, I spiralled into the worst “flare” of my life. I essentially lost all bowel control, first starting with D and then eventually turning into a week long stint of mild to severe C. When I did have a BM , I was passing huge globs of white mucus, and stool with what looked like blood streaked through it, but most of all, I was in incredible pain. I felt like my insides were burning on the inside (you know the feeling when you burn your finger. Yeah, that) the pain was going right up from my rectum, into the lower/mid left quadrant, then eventually all the way to the top left where my ribs are, at the splenic flexure. This pain started as intermittent, but eventually became constant and chronic. I have had a constant pressure/pain in my lower left quadrant since sometime around last summes, as well as intermittent stabbing/jolt pains in my rectal area, but this was beyond me and completely new. I was unable to keep awake, like literally nearly falling asleep at my nephews birthday dinner. I had no appetite, I was going to bed at 7pm, sometimes waking up all hours of the night from pain and nausea. I had chills at times, and extreme dizziness when standing up. It was a total fucking nightmare of a month, it caused me to miss over 2 weeks of work, and to top it all off, I was home alone because Tom was doing a 5 week job at sea.

So far I’ve had total blood work, abdominal X-ray and a cat scan. All showed fairly normal results. ESR was not tested, which is a concern to my naturopath. The CT scan showed minor inflammation which the emergency doctors attributed to fecal impaction (due to chronic C) this could be the case, but I am inclined to feel that the C, impaction could have been caused by something else, other than IBS. I can't help but feel this way, given the symptoms and patterns. Anyway, I am finally doing a lot better, although it took over a month of tests and hospital visits, a month on SCD. Days of D, days of C, days with mucus and blood, but finally I am having mostly normal days.

SCD intro isn’t easy, when I first started exploring SCD and avoiding illegals (for the most part) I was doing it all wrong, I had entirely skipped the intro, and I was eating advanced foods right from the get go. But given the new situation I was in, to say the least, living off of chicken soup, homemade jello, beef patties and eggs was the least of my worries for 3 days early last month. I am not entirely sure if I just got better on my own, but I believe SCD has gotten my there, which is why I am fully dedicated to SCD and grain free living, now and hopefully for the rest of my life.

The intro seems hard, complicated and intimidation, but my best recommendation would to just make it as simple as possible. BTVC has recipes for cheesecake, and other weird “imitation” foods to get you through the intro, but my advice would honestly be to just make a but load of soup, following the recipe in BTVC, a big thing of grape jello (homemade with unsweetened juice and grass fed gelatin) and a huge batch of SCD meatballs (which are essentially just ground meat, and a small amount of S&P , rolled into balls and broiled in the oven). People who can tolerate eggs are able to have them during the intro, I did a couple of times it makes for a nice, normal feeling breakfast. It's boring food but it keeps you full as long as you eat a lot of it.
It’s recommended to stay on the intro for 1-3 days, and then slowly introduce easy to digest foods. Here is where it gets better, SCD legal yogurt with honey is amazing, mash up some banana and you’ll literally feel like you’re in heaven after 3 days of eating soup and jello, trust me. Banana pancakes , though, have become a saviour. They are pretty incredible, a banana , an egg and some cinnamon fried up to make the most delicious pancakes you'd ever have. They're so good in fact, I almost wanted to change the name of my blog to "bananapancakes" , but as it turns out, a lot of people like banana pancakes, because the name was taken. The main thing to remember is that if you’re going to introduce fruits, they either need to be really spotted bananas or COOKED. Cooked apples and pears can be introduced on the first day off of the intro. Cooked squash, like zucchini, acorn and butternut can also be introduced early on. Butter nut squash is an incredible replacement for anything sweet potato based. And zucchini is delicious on the grill if the rest of your friends are having a BBQ. In the early stages of SCD, I did manage to try going to work for one day. I have a pretty strenuous job, and I was very sick and fatigue as it was, but the food I packed got me through the day, and I was barely hungry at all.

I packed ;

Chicken soup


SCD yogurt


Pear sauce

The key is planning! Im feeling much better, and I'm back to work full time now. It's been about a month since that first day I went into work, and my lunches are pretty much the same. I just pack a lot of very simple things, and I always try to have chicken soup or bone broth on me. Yogurt is also a daily staple.

As time goes on I’ll be posting different recipes I make, whether I created them myself or found them online, and tips of how to survive SCD while still working full time, going to school (I start university in September), having a social life (or trying to , anyway)
If you’re feeling sick, and you can barely make it through the day anymore, I beg you to give SCD a chance. Pick up a copy of breaking the vicious cycle , see how it works for you. I do not have a diagnosis yet, and my colonoscopy is a while away, but right now I am feeling ok, and as long as I can manage my symptoms through SCD, I am totally ok with that.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Homemade Reese Cups (Paleo, Grain-Free)

I made these bad boys a few years ago, at the time I made them they were full of artificial sweeteners, and chemically laden low calorie products such as PB2. Skip ahead 3 years and a lot has changed for me. While I'd say I'm pretty much fully recovered from my eating disorder, which my previous blog was entirely centered around, I'm now struggling with severe IBS , a disorder I've had since high school but has hit new peaks within the last year, with the possibility of having undiagnosed IBD.

In light of these recent health issues, I've been trying to find the best ways to manage my pain and other symptoms as holistically as possible. This means seeing naturopaths, taking supplements, meditation, light exercise and most importantly, following a diet designed to heal the gut. This diet is called the specific carbohydrate diet, as outlined in the book , Breaking The Vicious Cycle. This diet is mainly no grains, no starches, no refined sugars, and mostly no dairy. With the help of my naturopath and specific food testing, I am mostly going to be dairy free as well. And while you won't see me stray from SCD very often, I have decided that once in a blue moon some organic cocoa powder is not going to kill me. Cocoa is illegal on SCD for its own reasons, but not because it feeds the bad bacteria in the gut. It is outlined as being illegal because it has "addictive" components, which  in all truth I find outdated. If there's one thing I'll stray on, it's this one. Some die hard SCD'ers would kill me for saying that. So if you're SCD and you aren't with me on this one, just don't make these peanut butter cups.

Eventually I will do a step by step tutorial with these ones , pictures and all, but right now I'm just doing a quick post transfer from my old blog, with a few ingredient updates and ouila! Here we have the first recipe post on this blog, and it took literally no labour. Look at me go.

These Reese's inspired cups are refined sugar free, dairy free, grain free, paleo and vegan! While they're not exactly legal SCD, I assure you they're about as good as it gets in the world of sugar free. I was inspired by this recipe from The Coconut Momma of healthy 'caramel' cups, I am not a huge fan of caramel so I thought I'd put my own spin on it!

Reese's Cups

made with homemade dark chocolate and nut butter

1/3 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup cocoa powder
3T honey
1tsp  vanilla extract
1/4 cup nut butter of your choice (I used almond butter)

for the chocolate
1.Melt the coconut oil in a small sauce pan, remove from heat.
2.Stir in cocoa powder and whisk lightly until no lumps remain
3.Add the agave nectar and vanilla extract

for the nut butter cups
1. Line a muffin pan with liners, pour about 1T of the chocolate into the bottom of each liner (make sure the bottom of each liner is covered) and stick in the freezer for 5-10 minutes
2. Evenly distribute your nut butter among the 12 cups ~ leave room around the edges for the chocolate to cover!